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AquaDrago484's Gm Application~

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AquaDrago484's Gm Application~ Empty AquaDrago484's Gm Application~

Post  aqua484 Mon Dec 01, 2008 4:41 pm

1. Male or female?
I am without a doubt a Male.

2. How old are you?
I’m 14 Years Old.

3. How would you describe your personality and effectiveness to communicate with other people?
I Can say that I can get angered quick at times but, I guess im the happy funny type of person who likes to talk a lot and hates being alone because its something he’s dealt with for a long time, when It comes to communicating I can do it with no problem what so ever, I love talking and I help people everyday its like a habit but I can be a little lazy but when it comes to working I can accomplish a lot soo me helping ppl in this server will be something that I will definitely excel in.

4. What has inspired you to become a Game Master?
Well at first everyone wanted to be one and my friend always talked about it and I said maybe I could try it but I didn’t at that time, I’ve seen a lot of corrupt GM’s today can make the job then I can be perfect for the job and become a GM so whats stopping me from doing it and being a Gm seems like a wonderful experience that I would love to try out soo im trying out for the Job.

5. Why do you think you would be suitable for this position?
Well, I love talking for one soo that’s not a problem I love hanging out with a big crowd soo players bugging me with questions on the game won’t really be a problem I want to help this server reach the top because I played FinalStory and it sucks HARDCORE they always have wipes too like wiping ur full account and its annoying and a lot of those server there also suck and I kno a lot of people that I can introduce to this server and the rank for this server isn’t that bad soo I should be able to help it get to the top in no time no exaggeration.

6. Do you have past experience as a Game Master on another server? If so, where and for how long?

I’m playing YummyMS where they made every player a GM for about 1-2 days soo I kno what its like and I would like to experience that longer.

7.How extensive is your IT knowledge? (C++, web services, php/mysql)
Well I can’t really explain my knowledge on this stuff but I recognize some of the names because I tried making my own server before but too much money needed so I gave up, I used a tutorial to help me with the server and im a quick learner soo if someone is willing to teach me I will not have a problem with learning to help the server in other ways.

8. What positive additions could you make to the community/server?
Well I am the creative type and I could keep the server lively cuz I hate being bored soo I will hardly be quiet I can come up with my own type of events nothing too huge that involves warping and such something that I can do that will just be easier because of the extra possibilities that a Gm has which may help people have more fun playing the server and more people might be convinced to vote.

9. Are there members of this community that would vote for you? Who?
I think that Bubbles seems like a person who knows how to be a GM and knows how hard it may be but she seems too be someone that everyone will enjoy being around, also she’s older soo she should be a lot more mature and he seems good with computer like how many ppl can say they put there computer together from parts and such soo I think she should be on ur deciding list and if they cant follow these simple procedures than I think they will fail as Gm’s but I hope to make it as a GM also.

10. What country do you live in and what is your time zone?
(GMT-05:00) Eastern (U.S & Canada) I live in the United States and I live in New York if anyone else does then tell me.

11. What hours do you normally play during your time zone?

i play about 6 hrs on school days but if someone else gets on my Computer than its about 4-5 hrs but on weekends and vacations it may be about maybe 10 hrs but if someone gets on it may stay at 10 hrs but overall im on a lot of vacations from school and on weekends.

12. What is your average daily playing time and how much would you be able to dedicate to Game Master Duties if qualified?

If I Have school then I get home at about 2:56pm maybe l8ter cause when I walk with my friends I walk slow or there might have been a fight which automatically because the hot topic of the school if there’s no school like on the weekends or if there’s a holiday like today tomorrow and the day after tomorrow since I have a 3 day vacation I am on maybe 9:00am normally like 90% of the time since there’s nothing to do outside anymore, don’t worry I still interact with all my friends the last thing I am is addicted. Well I would devote all my time to this server as in I won’t play any others this will be my main server and I will take a vow that I will do my best as a Gm of SoloMS, soo I will be devoted and I will take this opportunity and do my absolute best.

13. Can you truthfully say that you have read and fully understood the Game Master Policy as well as the directions and rules stated above? And that you are aware of the consequences if you post a thread violating a rule?
All I ask is that u send me a copy of these rules to my email or or and if anyone wants to talk u can email me but I rather talk on aim my name is moneymaker484 I had no time just wrote anything xD soo ignore name I wanna change it soon. Also pm me or anything if u do send me the rules because I seen no set of rules anyway I don’t kno if im blind or if there isn’t any.

14. Include anything else you wish for us to know here.
Okay My Name is Kashawn but u can call me Shawn/Drago/Aqua/Shawty
im rly smart which is a couple of ppl have told me but I have my stupid moments some ppl can anger me quick I have being annoyed I get enough of it at home F3 but I can be funny nice to be around and very helpful if u gots question about the game or rl I will tell as long as its not too a boy and im straight I love girls just soo ya kno im on alot (mostly becuz nothing to do outside anymore everyone says im lazy and I never come out but I say give me something to do im tired of walking around the neighborhood OK its annoying so stfu then they be like w/e) and I live in Ny So if anyone else does tell me and we can talk, I love anime also soo if there’s anymore anime lovers or watchers tell me I think we would be able to communicate better than others also when it comes to music im in to Pop, hip hop,rap,Rock,alternate uhh I have others but yea that’s like some of the genres I like im also in to JPop=Japanese Pop Aqua timez there like AWESOME I got into JPop after I heard the Song Alones By Aqua Times Bleach's 6Th Opening song Also I Hate Racist ppl do not come at me with something like that its soo annoying how r u going to say u hate someone just becuz of the color of there skin its wrong and I will explode if someone tries it Also im mixed but im mostly black but I might have a White Char I always use a Black one if ur wondering what else I am im also Panamanian idk if I spelled it right F3 it means im Hispanic that’s why my last name is Hernandez my great grandmother lived in panama im something else but I cat remember name and im also Jamaican but I don’t mention it much cuz I don’t care for Jamaicans too much not that I don’t like them im just interested in Hispanics more I can actually speak Spanish.

This Is My Second attempt to become a GM in the server and I hope I make it this think thank you for taking your time in reading my application.

Posts : 5
Join date : 2008-11-11
Age : 30
Location : Under Yah Bed~

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AquaDrago484's Gm Application~ Empty Re: AquaDrago484's Gm Application~

Post  Spade Mon Dec 01, 2008 11:23 pm

go back to Prostituems

Posts : 27
Join date : 2008-11-10

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AquaDrago484's Gm Application~ Empty Re: AquaDrago484's Gm Application~

Post  aqua484 Sun Dec 07, 2008 1:48 pm

Whats Prostituems F6????? never heard of it or played it.

Posts : 5
Join date : 2008-11-11
Age : 30
Location : Under Yah Bed~

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